What can I expect to read?
Our hope is that everything you read will be worthwhile and never dry. All topics will be related to philanthropy, which besides financial giving also includes giving of time, skills, and other resources. All anecdotes are first-hand experiences of the authors, so readers can expect writing with integrity. While we make no claim to be experts in the areas we are philanthropically connected, all our articles will be evidence-based and sources referenced when appropriate. There will be a diversity of article types including feature articles, news, discussion, and occasionally art.
Who are the authors?
Two authors hereby known as Devoted to Giving and yGive will be your companions. Devoted to Giving has a special heart for health and healthcare, with other interests including the environment, international relief and social justice. yGive has been growing passionate about issues concerning social justice, the environment, and education since investigating more deeply the profound impacts on these topics by world affairs today.
The time is now
Therefore, we invite you to join us in this journey of learning more about the world around us, exploring how we can partner with each other and with worthwhile institutions in making this a better place for us, for the less fortunate, and for those who are yet to be.
Givingly yours,
Givingly yours,